
Aspiring Artist.

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I think what I enjoyed most about these holidays was my proactive attitude towards taking open opportunities and meeting so many different people who are so passionate about what they want to do. We are the future generation, the generation who will make great contributions to the world, who will create innovative and inventive technological advancements for the better. These passionate students who are mentally stressed about the upcoming HSC will be leaders. Leaders who will guide the young ones. We have become more aware of things and our surrounding environment and hopefully more supportive of the different global issues that need extra attention.

Actually, I'm currently watching the live performance of the Global Citizen Festival and I'm super inspired by Malala, who not only encourages world peace but promotes education in all women and children alike. Our experiences and learning opportunities are what heaps us grow and become better people, more compassionate people, who can help the world to become a better place.

Equality in races, the abolishment of poverty and granting of free, compulsory education can be done. We set goals, we do our part, we help, we can do this. It's not impossible. It will take time but we will surely get there together.

You. Me. Together.

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